Article: Good friends are worth the weight in Gold…

Good friends are worth the weight in Gold…
A true friend smiles at your sensibilities, never curbs your freedom to express, prides in your success and pulls you up from a fall. She keeps the fire in you alive. The onus is on us as well to keep the bond of friendship constantly fuelled...after all, it takes two to tango.
I am in reminiscence of my mother meeting her best buddy after forty or more years. It was obvious that the old (pun intended) pals had not met up frequently over coffee nor were they aware of each others’ whereabouts or existence itself, until connected by a dear common friend. Life was so different then; neither of them would have imagined to have met again in their lifetime. They would have parted ways as young adults, venturing out to find their places in the sun. But, Lady Destiny had plans and placed them in the same city.
They connected over a phone call and a lunch was scheduled at my mother’s home. On the scheduled day of having to host her lost & found friend, it was heartwarming to see my mother briskly taking stock of the variety of delicious dishes laid on the table. That my mother remembers her friend’s likes and dislikes in so many years, is worthy of a mention; needless to say, they were thoroughly shared with me three days in prior as the lunch menu was being planned. As a last minute check, she enquired about the carrot halva for dessert, as if, to be reassured that all was well. She even remembered to pack her a gift. We were equally happy at the thought of my mother’s friend visiting us. After all, the reunion was almost half a century later.
The deep emotional bonding they shared, as we witnessed, is worth the weight in gold or perhaps, more. They picked up their conversation from where they had left it, many years ago, in the same rhythm and enthusiasm. Their energy was absolutely contagious. It was a joy to see the two ladies meet.
‘There's not a word yet for old friends who've just met’…Anonymous.
As individuals, we make our choices amid the chaos, diving deep into career, family and personal growth. During this time most relationships and old friendships take a back seat. New found ‘Friends’ travel with us as we go through the motions, just like the power point presentations; one slide after another. Some stay on as friends, most of them forgotten.
Life throws situations at us and we learn to bring a balance in our plates, spicing it just right to make ourselves one tasty meal. Living through our mundane journeys, we forget the finer things in life like watching the sunrise, feeling the rain on our faces or posting notes to a few good old friends. Our lives become mechanical and then a day comes when we meet a stranger in the mirror, who had been sleep-walking through life.
When was the last time you connected with an old buddy? How long ago did you have a hearty laugh with a friend over a cuppa? Isn’t Friendship all about trust, mischief, memories, laughter, togetherness, a walk in the rain, movies, sharing thoughts and dreams and most of all a dependable shoulder to cry on?
Life does come full circle with FRIENDSHIPS forming the foundation for a complete, well lived life. The experiences, like good old wine must be shared with a few good friends. It would be wise to remind ourselves every once in a while, that good friends make our lives active, cheerful peaceful and constant.
The internet age makes it easier for us to find friends and also be found. In these exciting times, with Social media shrinking the world, we have great allowances at the click of a finger. Get into a search mode and tap on that button to find your friend from student days or a favorite co-worker turned friend.
Last weekend my mother had called me to share the happy news about her friend’s grandson being felicitated as an exponent musician. So, the ladies are in touch. That’s how simple it is; ‘Friendships are to be celebrated.’